The Piece of Cake (fiction-philosophy)

The Piece
Of Cake
{  Fiction-Philosophy }
'not a common audience story'
Piece’s Birth 
“Everybody ready?” crowd cheered a ‘yes’. “Ok then, let’s start” the event coordinator said. Crowd containing the birthday boy, his high class businessman father, egoistic mother, superior self-esteemed grandparents, and his all, above ‘richest line’ friends and relatives started clapping, and sang the birthday song. The party hall of five star went live. The birthday boy was given a knife, coordinator signaled to cut the cake. Boy made a square and hands tapped faster. A piece was taken out and formalities begun. He stuffed that piece into his mother’s mouth. His mother, a slim woman in her forties, wearing a backless skintight dress, exposing her perfect curves to the society was now in a big problem. His twelve years old ‘birthday’ son had made a big horrible mistake which he himself was still unaware of. A mistake for which he won’t be forgiven for months.
‘Two hundred and thirty nine calories’ mother shouted in her skull, week ago while having shower she had noted a beginning of a small belly fat tire below her navel, hence she quickly rushed to her dietician and was punished for such guilty act, a 1200 calories a day strict diet plan. And now his son’s innocence will starve her of hunger as she has to skip her fruits. Doesn’t matter how much delicious a food is, hunger is a different thing. Her eyeball got red and she glared at his son, son was still unaware of the crime he had performed. She quietly squirreled to the washroom, removed her dress and stood naked in front of the mirror and saw the virtue of the increased in size of her tire, round her stomach. And she cried. Give mind a direction, it will give you possibilities.
“Oh my god! What will my husband think of me while our ‘naked bed’ session?” sweat evolved all over her forehead. She was tensed. “What will my friends say in our weekly tea parties?” “What will my husband’s business partner would think, when we will be in their business parties?” she was hyper, sweat drops rolled down her cheeks. And this thought not only made her tensed but even scared “What would the receptionist of his husband office think of her?”!! does it make any sense?  She was unaware of the wicked monster that lived inside her brain, it’s called… let’s call it ‘Red Fire’.
Red Fire makes you more conscious about the one whom you actually are least concerned. A fire when evolve burns itself, own self. A red hot blazing fire which gives a desire with counterfeit fragrance of superiority than other. It smells good but fragrance is fake, it’s a weapon. A weapon that makes feel killed else, weapon killed own self. As a grenade, explodes first then harms others. As if all businessman, all her relatives, tea friends and worst of all, receptionist and husband, all are bothered about a small tiny vague tire on her stomach. Receptionist was more beautiful than her. And was it tolerable for fire?
 Husband? If he loved her figure, he won’t be with her for 18 years.
It was all manifestation of Red Fire.
The Heroine
They all enjoyed the ‘cake’, gifts were given, opened, 7 i-phones, 10 Play Stations, and around 5 fast track watches were center of attraction. Others were bestsellers fiction and paintings and lot of other expensive stuffs. Gifts were costly not lovely. Different ‘red fires’ wrapped in different colored boxes, fighting wars silently, through the source eyes, burning itself, ‘the gifts’.

She herself was unaware that she was there to ‘birth piece’. That she was the messenger. So she was unconscious that ‘why she got separated from her group’. Hence if separation wouldn’t happen then how would she get into the AC duct of five star. Yes it was cold there and her body shivered and yes she had full right to complain. Her legs started to tremble, her body went weak, her super powered eyes got feeble, vision got vague, she lost direction and it lead her to her destiny, creator’s misdirection. She came out of the duct and gave up flying. She started falling and died while falling. Her destiny was to die, die to ‘birth piece’, die to give someone life. And hence she was the heroine.

It felt her materialistic body heaven, body felt as if it was in cream world, with mountains of chocolate and forest of chocolate chips. Yet it was unable to move because her soul had gone.
Screams!! Shouts!! Screeches!!
All little girls and some girlish boys started this noise. The manager of the hotel was immediately called. All those ‘shouts screams and screeches’ which hurt businessman-father’s red fire badly, were now badly passed with more intense frequency in manager’s ears, now it hurtled manager’s red fire.
“How can a housefly enter a five star? Is this the reason I spent 5 lakhs for an evening?” he shouted at coordinator, coordinator glowered at manager.
“Let me solve it” manager took a knife and the heroine was buried into a tissue and thrown out.
“You think we will eat such cake now” business father shouted, the more he shouted, more the satisfied his red fire, but fire burns, satisfaction is extinguish.
“Get us a new cake” he ordered.
“Sorry sir… today is 2nd October and our chefs are absent, nearby shops are close too” manager’s legs were trembling.
  “Cut that piece and keep it aside, although cake has two floors” his mom arrived and “pack that lower piece please, I want to have it as a unique memory of my son’s birthday” surprised everyone by her words. Was her fire satisfied? Guilty manager, with his red fire shattered in pieces, nodded and went away taking the down floor of cake.
The Teenage
“See what your aunty has sent for you sweethearts” her mother said to them, twin sister were they. The packed parcel was opened and there laid a nice big cake. Both daughters were hyper excited to eat it but they didn’t know that…
“What does she think of herself? How can she runaway and marry someone else on my marriage day? She has no idea what people said to me and how much insult I had suffered because of her? And why the hell dad fixed both of our marriage at same day? Now see dear you are suffering. You are cursed with twin daughter. Even your husband is not earning enough. You are still a middle class. And this infected housefly cake is for you, stuff it into your daughter’s mouth.” Her fire was not satisfied, when it sparks low, it will return with higher heat, it burn, that’s its only rule. That’s also for a reason  
“Why didn’t they called us mummy?” one of the 10yrs old asked “Because we are middleclass and they are rich” twins’ mom said, honesty.
“Come on now, don’t feel sad” mom said, disappearing frowns from their face “Let’s eat cake”
Mom squared out a piece and before her daughters could eat, her red flame evolved “How can a maid talk to me like that, I pay her not she pays me” piece slipped down from her fingers to the floor. Left cake fell down on floor too when she bent down to pick up the piece, to clean.
1/4th was spoiled and still a piece was in proper shape. But they won’t eat that, as it has fallen down on floor.  
“Let the maid suffer, she packed that piece for her maid”
When a cake is born it is large and huge, with full of beauty over it and a lot of taste inside it. It even has a capacity to quell a lot of hunger. But as it grows through her childhood to teenage, she suffers, as she gets cuts. Getting cut is her basic nature, but she forgets it. Knife is not spongy, cake is, and that softness is for a reason.
“She isn’t that bad as I thought of her, this piece of cake is really big, I will give it to my son, he will eat, but still I would also have to give that bitch a piece” his son was a ranker in a municipality school. She paid his fees on time but she even had a daughter whom she considers a ‘bitch’ “Why the hell I birthed a daughter. I remember the day when my son was born. I was offered so much of care and respect from my in laws and now after giving birth to such a mucky daughter all that respect, care and compassion is gone. I regret to birth such bitch” “she will even eat out of it”. The red fire evolved and a dog barked, her hands trembled and the piece of cake falls down on road. All her dreams shattered. The Red Fire.
The maid saw a mason running towards her. He was wearing torn and shabby clothes. Poverty was easily visible on his face; his stomach was shivering from hunger, his rib cage was notable, skin hardly had any muscles, as if bones were all his support, except his eyes, which gazed royal, he seemed very poor and hungry.
Both dog and mason ran towards the piece of cake. With tears in his eyes he jumped towards it, siding dog away. He started eating the piece with all his patience and love, his eyes were shut. With all his devotion he ate. His soul was satisfied with the smell, cream used and the taste that melted chocolate contained. He ate half of it, and in between he opened his eyes due to the bark and found that dog staring at him, expressionlessly.
He looked at the half piece and at dog, again at half piece, again at dog. He smiled, took dog in his lap and feed him the other half. White Flame.
While eating some thought evolved in his mind…Red Fire? No. White Flame.
The Death
“You are a greedy businessman, due to your greed a hundreds of workers in you factory had lost their lives” elder son shouted at his businessman father.
“Just shut up, what do you want to do? Put your father behind bars?” dad yelled.
“If possible ‘yes’ ” he said.
“Think about yourself, what you will eat if I went in jail?” dad smirked.
“I will eat less, maybe less tasty, maybe a little but I will eat food, not money like you”
“See now this man who is in this world because of me, and who even survives because of me, had filed a case against me” dad said to his wife, she was wearing a skintight dress.
“Dear, are you mad? Who is your family? Your father or those workers?” she said.
“Truth is my family” he said and his little 11yrs old younger brother smiled, he was really proud of his elder brother, but was helpless to say anything. He filed a case against his dad. But no lawyer agreed to fight against that businessman. He with hardly any knowledge of Laws fought the case on his own and lost it. Same night he kissed his younger brother and left the house forever.
Happy Endings
“Where did you go, I was scared” an old aged blind woman sitting in a hut made up of mud and roof of plastic bag said “Did you went to the factory? Don’t go there son, I have lost my dearest one there. After his death you arrived and become an angle of my life. Please don’t leave me ever” old woman completed. “I won’t ever leave you, I have left whom I have to” he smiled, and a white flame was burning inside him.
She had lost a son and by some miracle a young man arrived in her life and said her ‘mom’, months ago. Young man never shared about his past and always hided his identity. He just became a worker in a factory and as a mason on constructing sights. She always felt that he was carrying someone’s guilt buried deep inside his heart. He was in search of freedom and peace, which he tried finding in carrying bricks and rods, lifting woods and cements bags.
He and his soul both knew that his freedom stays in the futuristic malfunction of the cheap machinery in the factory he worked part time.
“You know mom, today I felt something different, as we know we both get food once in 2 days. But today I got a piece of cake on road. I ate it only half but still all my hunger died.”
The Wish
“People say, on your birthday God fulfills your every wish, I have a small one. A piece of cake, which has all my love, I wish it reached his tongue and glitter all his goodness and honesty and give him courage to express his love and vision of equality to all corners of this universe” the birthday boy wished to god. Even he had a white flame.
White flame is just a flame but red fire is a fire, it swallows everything. God has his ways to perform karmas without binding himself. He created Good not Evil, we think; we think so because we are humans. Good always conquers Evil we all think. We think because we have experience it, seen it always. Red Fire although I haven’t said what it is, it is also created by the creator of all, itself. Evil is a tool to perform good. Although in numbers and visuals human eye encounters Evil more, that’s what the trick of creator. Beliefs, every time White Flame wins against Red Fire, at that moment during Dussehra when Ravana is killed by Ram, kids develop a belief of Good is stronger than Evil. That’s the reason why Evil was created on the 2nd second of Big Bang, to glorify the Good, nothing else. Red Fire is eternal but it’s a part of White Flame, father and daughter relationship. In today century, evil acts, ego, hatred, proud, envy and all Red Fire are pathways, bridges connecting Lovers, Beloved, Love. Why?
To glorify Love, Happiness, Compassion, Kindness and God (the creator) itself.  But how are they glorified?
Through the pieces of Cake? They are all pieces of cake. Are you sure about humans?

The Piece of Cake

-S h a i l


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