While Kissing You (Mystical Poem) (SR Extremes) In the softness of your lips, I have lost my senses, I feel free now. I fly, I wander, Air am I ? In saliva of your tongue, I have lost my body, Your sanity is all I hunger. I flow, I reflect, Water am I ? While looking in your eyes, I see the wideness of time and Christ. That infinite design, circled and entangled, Paradox bite, and your pupil contracts. My all intelligence surrenders, I feel free from all my logical burners. I surrender my duty, Now I merge in your magnificent beauty. Your kiss has enlightened a 'Diya' in my heart. Still I am just haze in fragrance of your body, Yet the haze is ignited, excited of its new burdens to carry, Burdens which sets it free, now as I work for the Almighty. I see my many names in your alphabetical P, I am clever and nameless, just as thee. Anonymous have I been ? That ' Diya' burns my heart,...