GOODBYE Prologue "You didn't came to wave a goodbye" she texted for the last time. "I can't see you going, you know that very well" he texted. "Ok, GoodBye" her text came, his beats slowed down. "GoodBye" he texted, "Milte hai (See you)" he said in his heart. And she left him forever. BreakUp Tales #6 "I'll see you tomorrow" she said as he came closer for a hug. He could sense she was uncomfortable "Prachi" he said, she turned back "Always remember I am your best friend" he said and she faked a smile. Their relationship was just three years old, but undoubtedly he was the only one who understood her completely. He was the only one she was entirely comfortable with. Their relationship was weird, most of the time she'd breakup with him for small and tiny reasons like last time she did "You were looking at my cousin!" she screamed. ...
The Crazy Ones | Steve Jobs | Motivational Video | SuperHuman Formula. Here's another inspirational video from our channel. It's a motivational video for success. THINK DIFFERENT is the stable WORLD. LIFE CHANGING VIDEO. Was made by Apple Corporation, today I re-frame it. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits .The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
WAR AGAINST MYSELF WAR AGAINST MYSELF - Motivational Video 2017 | SuperHuman Formula | Shail Raval Fight for Yourself! Fight to make yourself Better! Even if it means dying daily! Fight for what you deserve! Never settle for less than what you deserve! Beat Procrastination and all other bad Habits by creating new Habits Daily! Habits can break you or make you! The choice is yours! Nothing is impossible! Your Hard Work will never ever go in vain! "I’ll fight till the FIRE IN MY HEART is not EXTINGUISHED! Until the MIND’S DESIRE OF PLEASURE in not RELINQUISHED! I’ll FIGHT AGAINST MYSELF even if it means DYING DAILY! Until the dream of begin WORLD CLASS isn’t ACCOMPLISHED" " I’ll fight to improve myself DAILY! TREMENDOUSLY! I’ll kill the ‘little me’ MENTALLY! Building ‘bigger me’ ENDLESSLY! I’ll create my own LEGACY! Expanding myself BRAVELY! I’ll fight I’ll fight like a WARRIOR LION HEARTEDLY! BRAVELY! FEROCIOUSLY! " Shail Raval
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