18 VIA Teen (Review Time!!)

18 VIA TEEN - S h r e y a s i R h i t t i k a (REVIEW) Just completed a roller coaster ride full of teens emotions, 18 VIA Teen. Shreyasi Rhittika (Author) has written each page beautifully with perfect simplification. It was like a ride, going into flashback of my teen life by relating with each story and character in the book. From "The Different Barks" to "(acHe)2O" to my personal favorite "Shades of Humanity" and all her stories are very captivating and touches straight to the heart. Each story is an incident which shows exactly how a teenager gets matured in his/her life. Shreyasi has actually written some harsh Reality inside a fiction book. ( #Shades of Humanity) There are breakups, there are infatuations, there are True Lovers and thousand of heart tickling emotions, printed in black ink creatively. Overall book is Amazing and a MUST READ for all teenagers!! -Shail Raval...