PARATHA (philosophy)


“Breakfast done?” she asked.
“Nope” he said.
“Ok I am bringing parattha for you” she said, she was his best friend whom he loved deeply. He had proposed her but she was never ready to be in a relationship with anyone because of her past. But boy still loved her without wanting her. His happiness knew no bounds when his ears heart about parattha, ‘she has really started caring for me’ he thought. He suppressed his smile. He also had a strong belief that she was her soul mate. He had said her about it but she felt all that philosophy rubbish and hypothetical. It made him sad sometimes when she ignored him and hurt him but he never stopped loving her, and that was the only proof that he was her soul mate undoubtedly.
 “What will you have with Parattha? Tea or Curd?” she asked. “Nothing, Parattha won’t come alone. Don’t worry” he said.
“Stop this nonsense philosophy Ok! Tell me straight, curd or tea ?” she said bit annoyed.
Arey it will choke in throat if you ate it alone!”
“I said you dear, it won’t come alone”
“You and your philosophy” she was fed up, she went away with her head heavy.
She went to her house, to her kitchen and started making Parattha. Now she was firm, she would give nothing, no curd no tea only Parattha. ‘Let it choke in that philosopher’s throat’ she thought. While she was making the Parattha, her soul took a grinder fibbing her mind and body and cut her’s little energy and sprinkled it in parattha.  She gave him two Paratthas and went making faces.

*Party Begins*
Boy took the plate on a neat table and joined his both hands to the food. His Soul came out, wore the coolest clothes and made the best hairstyle it knew. His heart applied beauty cream to look handsome, he looked the cutest. Next was his mind, not brain but mind (thoughts), it constantly projected his love to her. Last was his body, which did all efforts to look better than all. When you experience love in its deepest reality you forget yourself as a physical experience. It is energies, formless, soundless, at peace.
All four of them held hand in hands around the Parattha and sang a welcome song
‘Swagatam, Shub Swatam, Shub Swagatam…’
 She was welcomed. Her Soul aroused with sparkling lights all around. They all revered her. Boy’s soul had tears in his eyes, she came after a long time, and he ran and hugged her tightly. Girl’s soul had also started to cry. Other three cheered and clapped, cute heart whistled and teased them. Both Souls sang together.
‘Janam Janam Janam saath chalna yuhi, kassam tuje kassam akke milna yuhi…’
Then they danced together seeing into each other finding that completeness. Then Parratha was cut as cake and meeting of both souls was celebrated. They both started looking into each other and it felt as if time has stopped.
Seeing them suddenly the cute heart started crying; soon the mind and body accompanied him. ‘What happened?’ she asked. ‘When will we get our other half?’ all three asked in union, with sadness.
“Even I am not entirely complete dear!” boy’s soul complained with agony “I desperately want to merge entirely with you dear”.
“So I want too, but if I came entirely then her incarnation will fail. She won’t survive, she won’t be able to fulfill her purpose of life, her Dream” she said. “Dear family don’t worry, her mind and heart are still suck in a time loop, at that bad experience, have faith in your love, only your love can heal her.” she calmed all. “You are her Soul mate, take her to the realization of her dream, tell her how special she is and how marvelous her talent is. Help her in her dream, free from all attachments and relations of this incarnation.” “Love her unconditionally because only you can do it, God knew about attachments and experiences so he united energies in twins, so called Soul mate. The day she will Dance on the stage with billions of people clapping only for her level of perfection. She will get enlightened as you.” each word spoken by her was deepest truth, and it made him smile.
“We all will love her unconditionally, we promise” all four said in innocence as five years old kids do. Love has a strange innocence of itself, which makes the lovers adorable entirely.
“Yes I know, and one day not too long from now when her mind and heart will recover, when she will fulfill her dream. She will realize in that Dance that you are the one, that only ‘one’ who is really made for her. Not for getting something but living only for giving her everything. And at that very second of realization she will merge into you. Not as a female or as women but as love itself. Then she will… I will… dance for you for rest of our life.” she said with tears of passion.
“We will try our best” all said in flames.
“Although after enlightenment your purpose of life gets divided, one is your dream and other being with your Soul Mate” boy’s Soul said fighting back tears.
“Hence God discovered so called ‘Friendship’ darling” she said, he smiled and came close to her. He kissed her endlessly. Their light went brighter and brighter with every lock of lips, blinding other’s eyes. She had started merging into him, she realized. As a human experience it was feeling between first female orgasms and pain of breaking virginity. She tried resisting it but then she decided to surrender to his Soul, as if she knew he will save her. Boy’s Soul realized about her dream and incarnation. He resisted, pushed her away and they parted.
“Thank you Soul Mate” she said, proudly.
“It will sound filmy but it’s really my duty” he said.
“Now I have to leave else she will start feeling weak”.
 “Yah, Ok”.
 “See you all soon”.  
“Yep we are W a i t i n g” all waved her a good bye.
“It was really delicious, thank you Chef” he said her, returning her plate.
“So it choked in your throat right?” she asked, her ear’s desiring ‘Yes’.
Boy smiled and saw deep in her eyes, her Soul winked at him and he said
“It really didn’t came alone”

-S h a i l R a v a l

Gajar Ka Halwa

(coming soon) 


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