

She : I wish you stay.
He : I wish I stayed too, Now I wish could stay, Now I wish would do a lot of things. I... (tears in his eyes) I wish I could just stay...
She : I came back and saw you were gone.
He : Yes, I walk out of the door.
She : But why ? Were you scared ?
He : Yes... I... I... (he hesitate)
She : Was that something I said ?
He : Ya.. You said 'GO AWAY' with such disdain, very harshly, you know...
She : Oh, I am sorry.
He : It's Ok. (walks out of the door, shuts it)
She : Hey! what if you stay this time ?
He : I just walked out of the door, there's no memory left. (helplessly he said)
She : Come back and say goodbye, until we have one. (she opens the door)
She : Bye.
He : I love you...
She : See you at that FIELD you talked about.

(Doctors : Press the button.)

His Friend : Who was she?
He : Who ? (the house of memory was destroyed)

Her Friend : Who was that boy?
She : Who ?

He : Isn't this beautiful and bright. The way I mentioned it?
She : More than you described, sorry I doubted your Poet's Philosophy.
He : Don't be, words aren't necessary here.
She : I am glad you brought me here, this is amazing.

He : We are always here eternally.


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