7 Signs, He is truly in Love with You!

7 Signs, He is truly in Love with You! 

‘How do I know whether he truly loves me or not?’ this is one of the most common question asked by girls. They are always happy and excited when their Hero does a little efforts to make her feel special. Either it’s a small song he sang or a little poem he wrote, she is on the top of the world.  But the funny thing I find is ‘Doubt’ even after entering a mature relationship, which is full of understanding and sacrifice, still this species have doubts. It doesn’t matter if it’s a six months relationship or 5 years or even after marriage, this ‘doubt’ will be there in her DNA. Maybe even in Stone Age when men used to go on hunt, the woman sitting in cave would wonder ‘Ajj to hiran marne me bhaut waqt lag gaya, kahi kisi aur ke sath Jhadiyo me…’ Jokes apart, but this doubt is actually her Love for his Hero. If you find a girl who is never possessive, I doubt her love but remember exceptions are always there. Ladies trust me I don't hate female gender! how can I male I am. So finally coming to the point, Are there any sings or Behavior patterns which can tell you for sure, with 100% grantee that your Hero is Truly in Love with you?   

Yes Of course there is – 

1.)          He ignores your words and gets mesmerized in your eyes! 

        It might be a simple conversation when you are talking about your favorite Food or Nano tale about your friend’s breakup or a past incident of your childhood and he is looking at you peacefully with a smile. You ask him ‘Did you like my childhood moods?’ in middle of conversation and he would be totally blank, clueless about what you are talking about. Does it mean he is ignoring you? Not at all, actually the truth is that he has shifted to a further dimension beyond all material talks, the pathway is your eyes. He’s somewhere where he feels peaceful and complete. That sounds fiction? Well that’s what love is all about, beyond logic! Although it’s a very rare Sign you’ll ever notice, but if you do! Trust me you are really Lucky!  

2.)          Whatever you cook is Tasty

        You know for sure you are really bad at cooking! But still with all your caring efforts, out of love you decide to cook something for him. May it be a ‘Pakoda’ or effort requiring ‘Dal Batti’ or as simple as plain ‘Parratha’ or ‘Roti Sabji’. When you serve him, his tongue is eager, watering. With the very first bite he says ‘Wow!’ his eyes closed. ‘Never ate something more delicious than this’ he says and complete entire food, without leaving anything on the plate, (proof that his words are honest) licking fingers. Now when you serve same food to someone else, or even eat it yourself, you’ll be surprised to taste the quantity of salt you added. But as Shail Raval says, Food has no taste, her presence is the essence. So good news, cook whatever you want for entire life! He won’t complain! Well don’t take advantage of Aashiqs, learn to cook properly Girls. 

3.)          You will be his First Priority, no matter how busy he is!  

He maybe a busy businessman, with meetings or an employee with work hours from 9AM to 5PM, with deadlines. Or a Student with upcoming Exams and heavy loads of Assignments and Projects but still when you call him and ask ‘Are you free, can we talk?’ he’ll put all the work aside ‘Yes I’m free’ and will make you his first priority.
You sometimes might wonder how he is ‘Always Free’ in such busy life. Don’t consider him Lazy or Ambition-less, the truth is, to talk to you at day he postpones his schedules and works to night. This show how important you’re in his life and where his true happiness lies! For instance, if he got fired from job, rusticated from collage and his business falls off, he’ll still be happy if you are with him. Btw, will you be with him after all such disasters?  Maybe I need to write an article on Opposite of the topic!    

4.)          A Poet or Singer may birth out of him.

He might turn into an Artist and Paint your eyes on a Canvas. You will be amazed about his sudden interest in Kishor and Rafi Sir’s songs. He will sing old songs, even new, and recorded it for you. Everyday a different song! He might not sing genuinely good but don’t go on the voice, go on that ‘closed eyes imagining you and singing from heart’ expression of him, you’ll see he is somewhere else.
A writer might turn into Painter and Sing your Soulful eyes into a Canvas, with color of music and verses!
Want me to simplify? Some type of Artist will erupt from him. Suppose an Engineer turned Singer. Or a boring employee started to write poems on your Eyes! Love is strongly related to Art. 

5.)          Your Smile will become his purpose of Existence.

‘There is something mystical about your smile, I don’t know what… But when you smile it feels good’ now you’ll say my many past failed relationships had this line from sender. Well, learn the difference, for example: If your smile keeps me happy then I’ll not just say that it keeps me happy but I’ll do efforts to make you smile. He might be an introvert but still try to be humorous. He’ll just not say, he’ll prove through his actions, keep your eyes open!  See! Know the difference. 

6.)          Your little imperfections will be his greatest ecstasy.

The way you sneeze! That face when you’re angry! Your red nose in anger! Your rabbit face! Your immature kid like behavior! That particular facial expression you give when you disagree! The way you moves your mouth a little towards left and right when you sulk!
It can be anything, those idiotic reactions which are so ordinary for other. In this entire globe no one, not even your parents gives a shit about those little imperfections, to him it they will be his greatest ecstasy! He’ll love when your nose gets red and may even give a nick name to your nose. Sounds nonsense? Read the heading ‘True Love’ it won’t be about great things but small things seen greatly. 

7.)          He’ll somehow manage a conversation between you and his mother.

“I don’t like hiding, I want to tell my mother about us” if ever he said this no other sign is necessary. Because a true lover don’t like to hide his love from anyone. Truth has this power.  He is ready to spend his entire life with you, so he won’t fear about world. It’s not a time pass relationship for him. Specially before you, someone who he truly loved was, is his mother. He would be curios to tell his mother about you. But he’ll always ask you if you are ready. If you say no, he won’t ever force you. So if you want to know whether he truly loves you, say ‘Let’s tell our parents about each other!’  You’ll get the answer. 


(You precious feedback are always welcome)


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