I'll Love You till the End.

" I'll Love You Till the End "

I am not a good singer, I know. But she just got this singer out of me, a part of me who loves to sing. So why not I sing for her, source of motivation. 

written and sang by - Shail Raval 
dedicated to most beautiful and amazing person of this world.

I just want to see you, when you're all alone.
I just want to catch you, If I can. 
I just want to be there when the morning light explodes. 
To your face it radiated, I cant escape.
I'll love you till the End.

I just want to be sorry for mistakes I never did.
I just want to shut up, till you talk your doltish stuff.
Every morning I just want to see your smile before the Sun.
That's where my world unfolds, in those two oceans of yours. 
I'll love you till the End. 

I just want you to know, if I had two hearts,
Would give the second one, smile when you break it apart.
Not the one who just want to drag you in the bed every night.
I won't leave your hand, till your death bed, till your last night.
I'll love you till the End.

It's not just about Days, Months, Years, the way you thought.
We have no future, you said, I've always fought. 
Or when my wrinkle hands will brush your hairs,
That will be the day when you'll finally believe.
That I loved you till the End. 

I'll love you till the End.
I'll love you till the End.
I'll love you till the End.

From Soul to it's Mate!

(Love You-Miss You-Hate You-Forever) 


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