WATCH NOW & SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! Script What if, I tell you that the money, is not the answer. We are all conditioned with the Belief that answer of Happiness, is Money. I just want you to re-question this imposed belief and remember yourself as a child. That amazing world of child where Money, was, no Object. With weird dreams and desires like flying with butterfly and collecting the rain drops. There were meaningful actions but not because of fear but out of love of the moment. It was like a beautiful dream. But as you grew a little this society came into the play and stared waking you up, Slapping you with the belief of “Doing something Great” & “Becoming something” & being Rich and Powerful & Successful. And pushed you in that Rat Race where Happiness is calculated by the digits in your bank balance not as a causeless phenomenon. Something opposite of how it used to be in your childhood. I am not saying that Money is not important. It’s reall...