
What if,  I tell you that the money, is not the answer.
We are all conditioned with the Belief that answer of Happiness, is Money.
I just want you to re-question this imposed belief and remember yourself as a child.
That amazing world of child where Money, was, no Object.
With weird dreams and desires like flying with butterfly and collecting the rain drops.
There were meaningful actions but not because of fear but out of love of the moment.
It was like a beautiful dream.
But as you grew a little this society came into the play and stared waking you up, Slapping you with the belief of “Doing something Great” & “Becoming something” & being Rich and Powerful & Successful. And pushed you in that Rat Race where Happiness is calculated by the digits in your bank balance not as a causeless phenomenon. Something opposite of how it used to be in your childhood.
I am not saying that Money is not important. It’s really very important but just to survive.
Yes it will buy you pleasures. But it truly don’t have any connection with your Happiness. It’s all internal work.
That innocent kid unaware of this, start to run this endless race of acquiring wealth, wining, competing with others, being first and afraid of losing.
Grows into an adult, acting out of Fear.
Living in Fear of “Loosing what I have” and Fear of “Not getting what I want”.
Trapped in this vicious circle not knowing how to come out.
This is what extreme desire of money do to you, IMPRISIONES YOU.
“I just took a walk on the Streets
The Clock showed around Six
I saw tired and frown faces
Returning from their 9 to 5 shitty shifts”
“Hey dude have you seen that amazing new model of Lamborghini, we must ride it one day” your friends said.
“Look at that Millionaire, what a class, you must start to earn soon to be like him one day” your brother said.
“Study Hard, get good grades, get good job and a great salary package” your dad said.
“Work Hard and the Employee of the year gets Holidays in Switzerland with family” your boss said.
“Darling I know one day we will live happily in that huge bungalow” your wife said.

But in between of this circus you couldn’t listen the most important voice. The voice of that Kid. Your inner voice. The voice of your Heart.

Just try to listen to that voice inside your heart. That child who’s screaming constantly, asking for your help, complaining everyday, about the boredom it feels and the freedom it truly needs as he just wana again play.
Talk to him and he’ll tell you how much he hates all the wealth around,  as he feels as if he’s stopped from going to the playground. When you do what you hate just for money,  
Be his friend and he’ll tell you what he truly loves to do.
There’s a work we all did as a child. Not because of the reward it pays but just because the heart says. Just for the joy of doing it and nothing else.
Recall that Child, recall that work, recall those moment of your life where Happiness was in the work you did not in the outcome of your efforts. A space in time where working really hard but not for money but for that inner satisfaction which that work got you.
One day some adult asked the kid ‘Why’
Why are you collecting the drops of rain? Working so hard collecting handful drops and pouring in the bucket? Why?
He would go absolutely blank, I like it that’s WHY! He would say
 Without any particular reason. That’s what’s state of being is, that state of Love!
If you don’t have that childhood memory, NOW is never LATE.
Start Finding.. Keep Looking.. Keep on trying different things.. Just don’t settle and just Keep going
Keep asking your heart.. What’s that work that drives me? What’s that for which I am chosen for? What’s the work that makes me Happy? What’s my purpose of life?
As it all matters of Heart, you’ll feel it in the center of your chest when you find it.
The answer of happiness is not Money, It’s the doing what you truly love to do for rest of your Life.


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