FANS' SEAT (philosophy)

SR Fiction : Philosophy   

His face radiated more light then all led bulbs together in ceiling of the marvelous expensive gigantic seminar hall. His slim, five foot six inch, fair face, spike hair styled personality had hypnotized the entire young student audience with its charisma. Teens clapped harder, more than their palm allowed. They cheered, shouted, applauded and even whistled on each and every heroic dialog this youth icon said. Effective body language, sudden body turns, jerks and a preplanned emotional high-low pitch voice control. A toffee of feelings and passion wrapped with dreams were triggered through his words. Kids enjoyed, desired their own.
“So finally coming to the conclusion, summing up” he said, bringing his stretched arms to center, combining. A sway of disappointment ran throughout the crowd of thousands. A pin drop silence was achieved, eyes with passionate dreams stopped blinking, girls held their breathes, and all blank minds were waiting to welcome their new BELIEFS.
“BE UNIQUE” he paused, voice low “BE CHANGE” he again paused, voice barely audible, his eyes rolled towards thousands of heart, beating irregular, waiting to shout and applaud. And suddenly, breaking the notion of silence, he quickly rushed to the edge of the stage, stretched his arms widest and shouted to his extreme.
The entire crowd burst into a tsunami of self-confidence and applauded as if it was their last cheers to him.
“Our ancestors had been slaves in past, now even after freedom we are feared to BE DIFFERENT, dreaded to BE UNIQUE, terrified TO CHANGE” his voice drastically changing from low pitch starting, to a valiant end.
“Come out of your comfort zone” he bustled to the right side of stage, looked into the passionate eyes of hundred “Don’t be a follower, don’t be a Minion of someone else’s thinking” he ordered, he commanded.
“BE A LEADER” he shouted lion-heartedly.
Thousands of eyes started sparkling, thousands of heart got new beats and a millions of neurons had drugged new strings. Bodies went involuntary standing from their seats, FANS’ SEAT, hands striking each other to severe, vocals going disturbed due to the loud sound produced, his name. All cheered, applauded, and whistled. Every breath of audience was drugged by only his name.
LED lights felt dim by the glow of his face and his reflection in thousands of eyes and heart was the starting of the new dawn.    
He owned a dozens of his own school. But no one, not even the Principals of his schools were aware of this secret. He worked as face covered sweeper in his own organizations. Why? To understand everything well enough, deeply, entirely.

He stood next to a window, cleaning glass of sliders, paper he used were broachers of his last seminar. What a down to earth person.
While the time he was cleaning the glass of slider a class of higher secondary came. Students had returned after playing in hot noon in playground. All were sweating and panting, bottles were supplied, and water was consumed enormously. The thirst was quelled. Suddenly after the awareness that ‘there was no electricity’ students got malaise. School was a little away from the center of the city, so that problem was common. They had generators, it were started. But due to low supply all fans rotated too slowly, except one. Fan above teacher’s seat. It was at normal speed, reason undefined. Boys ran towards the fan, taking their chairs under the fan. Circumference fan covered was limited, seats demanded were more. Within a while a revolt started between boys. Soon girls joined the notion, protested for women’s right but were dismissed saying ‘you are still teen, not women’. Girls went back to their seats. But boys persisted against each other. Soon someone slapped someone else. And then it shaped into a fight.
He was watching everything, suspiciously, with a smile. As an owner of self-help organization who helped people to be leaders, this experience was a better curiosity for him to know how effective his seminars were.
Soon after a while a group of eight boys of same class came in, saw the situation, looked at each other and decided to let go the position of Fan’s seat. Did they really decide to let go? No, actually they saw the girls sitting back and decide to embrace the opportunity to talk.

Then a group of 3 wise boys with two girls them came inside saw the situation and understood the scenario. They all were wise humans, smiled at Let go the Fan’s Seat.
He was left flabbergasted at what he saw.
Fight went high and suddenly some more wise creatures who had fought once, those who didn’t let go without fighting, decided to let go, let go the Fan’s Seat.
He was shocked.
Soon ninety percent of the student let go the windy Fan’s Seat.
He was appalled. He discovered the roots of all his theories of Uniqueness, Difference and most importantly LEADERS.
News Paper Headlines
Address, avenue, time and date were given on the front page of every newspaper of city.

On Seminar Day
“Good Morning Everybody!!!” his lion-hearted voice felt as if he had wished everyone in personal. 
 Crowd wished him back in loud prompt reply. All his FANS took their seats.
“Today’s topic is
A sudden shock wave passed throughout the hall. Because this was something he was saying completely opposite to all his seminars in past.
“What do you mean to say? Was all your past seminars cock and bull story?” some FANS hooted. “Were you making us fool? You are playing with our children’s future!” youth had always blindly followed him but old orthodox feared the change, the TRUTH. 
Soon he could hear and see a lot of unfaith and distrust in his FANS hearts. But he was relaxed.
Suddenly disbelief countered nerves. A man in his 40s took out his shoe and threw it towards the youth Icon. More orthodox followed the movement, youth resisted. He could see sons and daughters resisting their own parents, fighting, screaming. Meanwhile a shoes trapped in layer of distrust reached straight to his forehead, resisting it was his reflex. This scene would lead him nothing much then a misery, he thought. So he signaled the event manager to get him ear plugs and to switch the volume of speakers of auditorium to its extreme.

“Sit Down” he shouted. Ferocious audience’s movement came to a sudden halt, their ears pained. Then volume was made to normal.
“I give you all the full permission to do whatever you want to do with me, throw shoes, tomatoes or whatever you have” youth was appalled by this permission “But” then breathe of peace went through student.
“Before that listen to me” his eyes had that honesty that forced all the orthodox to give his a chance to explain. After few more words solicitude the little amount of distrust created in youth’s mind evaporated. Orthodox were resistive but resistivity failed against infinite leniency.
He slowly started stepping towards the edge looking into his FANS’ eyes, his shoes partly outside the edge. He took a deep breath, which was audible in speakers. He stepped a step back and then to audience’s surprise he jumped down, sill standing on his both feet. A sway of ‘wow’ from audience comforted his ears. He was still silent, walking closer and closer towards his FANS’ seats. And at the first row he stopped, looked into a girl’s eyes sitting at center seat. “Give me your hand” he said. She stood up and hugged his “I am huge FAN of you Sir” she said with that particular girlish voice of fifteen. Boys screeched ‘lucky girl’, a little ripple of giggle and enthusiasm passed on FANS’ faces. He smiled, hugged her back with closed eyes.
“You have made all this happen, thank you” he said, girl’s blushing vanished, she seemed confuse, and so did audience. How was only she responsible for all this?
“How?” she muttered. He smiled and asked her if she could go on the stage. She nodded for yes.
“Brothers and their sister can I request you something?” he jested, FANS giggled. “Can you all please stand up and go and stand on the stage” he asked courteously. Suspense was created, good speakers always create. Within a couple of seconds murmuring audience stepped on stage. Everyone was looking suspiciously at him with total concentration, created by suspense. Suspense seeks awareness.  He smiled and sat on one of the FAN’S SEAT, seat where that girl was sitting.
“I want to share one experience, FANS’ SEAT” he narrated the entire story.

The girl
A girl came inside the classroom. She was shocked when she saw all creatures fighting for just a
She smiled.
Went to her seat, last bench student was she.
She took out her drawing book, tugged out five to ten pages. She glued each page to other. Then she made zigzag folds of the huge entire chart like sheet. Everyone was looking at her, few girls came for help. She then centered one end, combined al turns at one. Everyone was surprised by what she had made. Three boyfriends of girls were requested to swing the structure two and fro. She created her own FAN’s SEAT.

Audience and FANS were standing on LEADER’s stage and the LEADER was sitting on FAN’S SEAT.

S h a i l    R a v a l

For those who didn't understood the actual theme

Moral of the story will be posted soon.


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