That Romeo without a Juliet (part 1)

That Romeo without a Juliet
SR Extremes : Fiction

                                                                  PART 1

Kakariya Lake, Ahmedabad's Pride
Thousands of people, With thousands of different emotions.
Tensed, Worried , Happy , Joyful , Sad...
The resistor of unerring notion...
Standing at the edge, spinning crystal blacks inside the water.
Myself. Dealing with fat puddles.
After an hour of loneliness

"Gata raha mera dil, Tu hi mere Manzil" 
(Romantic Hindi song)

This melodious string of magical words tickled my ears; I turned back and saw a tape recorder of 80s and a hand resting on the top of it. An old man was sitting next to it.


He was listening to that song and he had that largest and the widest smile a particular wide, charismatic and royal smile. I had ever seen in my life.
Eyes intent to the lake water, still body with a stick in his left hand and TWO popcorn packets and a gift wrapped with red shinny paper was laying aside tape recorder.

No one was happier than him.
I wanted to go to him and ask that 'why was he so happy?'
What was the secret behind it?
Humans are always scared for a jest with strangers, so I hesitated to ask. But I decided to observer him.  (Human Insanity)

I turned around and rushed to 3 seats aside to him, 
Meanwhile I collided with a young lady, black sunglasses on eyes, full sleeve dress and face covered with 'duppata' scarf. She was holding some books and most important i-phone 5s which fall on ground due to our collision.
Of course she would have abused me in her mind for the phone.
I apologized, gathered her things and handed it to her; she went to garden and sat.

I sat 3 seats away from him
And from
4:30 to 5:15 I went busy on suspicious insane observation.
Neither his song changed
Nor his particular wide, charismatic and royal smile changed.

'Ok that's enough' I thought and I gathered a lot of courage went to him and asked...

"What the hell man, how can you be so happy?”
It could work as a 'Kick ass question' for stranger but here...

"You are in love" he asked me in reflex.

I got a bounced 'Kick ass question'
"What!!!??" I appalled.
He smiled; "No I am not" I clarified by fibbing.
"I was not asking, I was saying it with surety"
He said and again smiled his particular wide, charismatic and a royal smile. And winked. I could not stop my lips enlarging on his perfection.
"How?!!" I asked.
"Are you sure that you wanted to listen?" He asked.
 I nodded for yes.

"See around, I am sitting here for more than last 40 years, Teens like you, specially boys are only interested in girls curves. And girls have a favorite line 'See how cool he is'. Some teens who are involved in relation come for immature romantic fantasies, far away from their parents. Their partner changes tooo often.
But some Romeos like 'us' are standing at the edge, looking deep inside the water,
Busy imagining her particular look"
He completed and coughed. I was completely appalled on his perfect predictions.
A wave of sharp honest words passed straight through my heart.

"More than 40 years!!!!!!!!!?"
"Romeos like 'us'!!!!!!?"
"'Her particular look' how did you know that!!!!!?"
I darted curio-produced questions on him.

He smiled and said

"Shail, Oh sorry, Mr. Writer, I want to tell you a story"
"Ohh!!! Writer!!!?? Story!!!?? Sure! Sure. Please tell, I am scared sir!!" My curiosity was on top when he said me 'Mr. Writer'. How the hell did he knew my name!!!

He coughed, He paused the tape recorder, Those 2 packets of popcorn and that particular red wrapped gift were kept aside, and he made a place for me to sit. I sat.
Then he smiled his particular wide, charismatic and royal smile. And coughed.

                                                                   PART 2

"You know what's love, so I don't need to describe it, although it’s indescribable" He again coughed.
"But today I am going to tell you a love story, and I need it on your blog" Only SR Extremes can have a place on my blog, I wanted to say. But I was sure this one was bigger than SR EXTREMES.

"There was a boy and as usual a girl" he started.

January 1964

A poor boy completed 12th and entered mechanical engineering collage. His dream was small to get job in placement.
His collage life had friends, bunks, naughtiness, hooting, teasing, exam pressure and especially Amitabh Bacchan's movies bunk.
And he had a favorite place where he used to go thrice a week where he used to miss her mom who died when he was five. His alcoholic dad hardly cared about him. But still time made him fine. Time always does.
He was enjoying, everything was ok. His wheels of life were smooth.

April 1965

A girl of big business man took a V.I.P entry in 2nd year.
She was sent there not to study but just too grow up and get 22, 23yrs old and then get married.
A Time Pass Style was she...And she wasted someone’s clock nicely.
With her small expensive Japanese tape recorder in which only one song came repetitively, one of the most romantic songs...
'Gata raha mera dil, tu hi mere manzil' was played frequently it was of movie Guide 1965.
She loved that song.

Boy wouldn't have ever met her if clerk wouldn't have made mistake in that girl's enrollment number from 63 to 33. Boy was 32. Both were in same batch. By luck? Or someone else was doing it?

Love never ever happened at first sight.
Or else it wouldn't ever happen if the Professor Mukesh Panchal wouldn’t have made pairs for machine drawing class in 3rd Semester.

Class teachers and professors make most of the love stories happen.

They talked, Boy was poor and simple, Girl was rich so she showed off, nerves matter.
From her rounder to her pencil everything had a brand. I really don't want to specify boy's...

Boy asked the girl for friendly outing to his favorite place. Kakariya Lake only one he could afford. It soon went frequent.
Boy told her about his mom and his alcoholic dad, sitting at the edge, legs getting reflection inside the lake water.
Girl only said one sentence 'I am with you, Always will be.'
Boy smiled.

They talked,
They shared,
They laughed,
They discussed problem,
They came close.
They sang that song.

They became best friends. By luck? Or someone else was doing it?

Boy always helped her in completing, drawings, assignments, projects, applied mechanics labs, workshop practical and everything.
Girl never studied, boy was supposed to double-up his task.
Boy Passed with 43%, Girl Failed.

'How could you fail' boy asked to the girl, sitting at edge. Kakariya lake.
Girl switched on the tape recorder and then she patted his shoulder and said
'Bcz I didn't study, as engineering is not my dream.'
‘Really!? , then what is your dream' Boy asked

'I have 2 dreams
1st is to have a room full of teddies, teddy bears, with world's best teddies, I want to play and dace with them for hours.
2nd to become an actress' whenever she said this publicly people used to make fun of it, when she said it to boy, he respected her dream.

That song Gata Raha Mera Dil... Continued and ended, they both kept looking inside water. Their relfections were getting close virtually.

Hands in hands but just like friends.

3rd year
Both were still together
You need money to pass not marks girl's dad said to boy when he met him at collage.

At ending of 3rd year boy knew that he was in love (Doltishness)
Or else he was in love from his first outing first outing with her?

November 1966
Boy asked the girl to bunk collage and meet him at Kakariya Lake.
He firmly decided to propose the girl.
There were no rides, no such beautiful garden, no such expensive stalls at that time, but the water was more clear.
But the edge where you were standing was same, and there was the boy WAITING with a gift. And with two packets of popcorn. Her favorite one.
She was late for half an hour, But she came
She came and as usual she switched on her handy-tape recorder as she did since last 2 yrs.
That song was now a part of boy's life.
'Why did you called me here?' girl asked sitting at edge, legs getting reflection.
'Wait a second' boy searched for something in his pockets.
After couple of seconds he took out a bolt. He stood on his knees.
And offered the bolt as a ring and said
'My heart is always singing, that you are only my destiny
I love you, will you marry me?'
No one had ever used a bolt as a ring in history of proposing a girl, but that's called engineer's style.
Girl was shocked and worried, something unexpected just happened to her, 
'I need time' she said 'I will tell you tomorrow'
'But I promise you that weather it would be yes or it would be no 
I will always be with you'
Boy nodded.
'Keep this tape recorder, I will take it from you tomorrow' she said and went away...

Next day 16th November 1966

Same place same edge, Boy was standing WAITING. 
1hr passed, 2 hr. passed, 3hr passed, the boy was still WAITING.
He had even made the full plan of wedding.

Then a girl came running, she was that's girls sister
She took the boy to a bridge.
A car had got accident with a truck and it was blasted.
'Why have you brought me here? And where is your sister?' Boy asked

'She was in this car and was coming to meet you'

Dhag... Dhag... Dhag... Dhag......................................Then a straight line in monitor, 
And then he tells you that he is the 'god'.

Clark Mistake, Machine Drawing Batch, It was never by luck. Someone else was planning the story.
I loved my mom and she left away and now see.....

I just wanted to tell her that her dreams were not at all silly, I could make them true.
I wanted to give her a teddy, a millions of teddy but she...
How could she just...
I just wanted to know her answer; I would love if she was present to even say 'no'
I wanted to return her tape recorder.
But she...

Boy started going to the edge, of the lake.
He would stand at the edge, look deep inside the water and he would imagine her face and cry.
One day, One month, 1 year, 10yrs He was WAITING.

'This man is mentally unstable, a pure psychopath person' said each and every doctor.

Boy could feel her existence at the lake.
Since last 43 years.
He waits. He waits for someone who is already dead.

W a i t i n g this 7 letter word is beautiful, Conditions Apply*
It’s beautiful when you love someone truly."

That happiest old man narrated the story which included 30 coughing breaks, my crystal black were streaming Ganga.

Waiting for someone who is already dead. That's unbelievable.

"So that boy is still waiting with 2 packets of her favorite popcorn and with her tape recorder that he wants to return, with that small gift too ha?" I asked.

Old man nodded for yes.

"You didn't describe anything about her beauty!?" I asked

"Beauty what's that? I never lacked hormones but I never observed her facial / body looks, I love her entirely, body could make no difference ever." He answered

"You’re married?" I asked

Old man nodded for no.

"May be doctors are correct, 'psychopath', should I also use the word?"

He smiled his wide charismatic and royal smile.
And said
"Why? just because the story is super highly impractical? I could still feel her existence here.
So I am still waiting.

I trust my feelings,
I can feel her,
And yes she said 'I will be always wit you' So..."

"So... you are still going to wait." I completed his sentence.

"One last question, do you have lungs cancer? Don't take it wrong way but, I am asking because you were coughing too frequent." I was serious

"I know Shail your stories are tragedy bullshit, but it’s just a throat infection"

He switched on that tape recorder. I sat next to him. Hours passed at 7:30 he wanted to leave.
We had a handshake. He collected his legendary things. Packed it and started moving towards the gate.

I shouted "Romeo I will pray that may your W A I T WORTH, and you may get your Juliet"
That was the only compliment I gave to him, I was happy that I did that.

He gave his wide charismatic and royal smile. And winked.
He disappeared coughing hard.

Enjoying the world’s best feeling and waiting so long, 21st century won’t accept it.
But that's what the honest and true love means, expecting nothing but signing whole life for someone, without any reason,
 Teens must learn something from that 65 years old true icon of love.

                                                                      PART 3

I tried to throw out that story out of my mind but I couldn't
After 5mins I also wanted to go back home.
I turned back started moving toward the gate.
That young lady who had collided me was writing something, she also stood up and was just to leave.
But she forgot one of her books. She was away but I had impulse to help. She reached the gate and I reached to the book. I picked it up and shouted to call that young lady. She was unable to listen.    
I hurried steps to her.
But in between I collided with a fat aunty. I literally bounced.
Book felt on ground open.

19 September 1960

I am 14 years old and my rich uneducated dad had done a crime of marrying me to a 21yrs old man.
Child Marriage.

26 May 1963

Today I had my third Abortion, just because I was going to birth a girl child again. It extremely hurts to a mom.

1st January 1964

I ran away from my husband.
Ok let me speak truth. 
He married someone else. After using me a lot.
I was thrown out as garbage.

13th April 1965

Is dad playing with my life? I wanted to become an actress. But I am forced for engineering.
He said it was my entire fault, I needed to be matured then my husband wouldn't have thrown me.
He wanted me to get matured in collage for 4 years and after that, again new marriage.

13th January 1966,

Rahul Shriwastav is his name, a poor boy, with small dream and bad past.
He is my best friend, I like him.
He helps me survive in classes.
Our friendly outings are fabulous.
We talk, she share, he is the closest to me, but I will not tell him my past, never.

11th August. 1966.

Rahul is simply great, I don't know why.
But he is the only person who can make me feel happy.
And yes I am going to propose him.
And I know that he loves me, me he won’t say it.
'Fattu Type' he is.

2nd October.

The real 'Villain' of my life, he spoiled my life, he spoiled my plans.
I am Sorry Rahul I can’t propose you now. Dad had fixed my marriage.

15th November 1966

I am crying badly, Rahul just proposed me at lake doltishly with a bolt as a ring.
But dad...

16th November 1966

A planned accident of truck with my car. I was never in it.
I wanted to go and tell Rahul that I love him badly.
But my dad had already decided another arrange marriage 3 months ago, with the son of his business partner.
I love you Rahul.
I love you a lot.
Sorry if I hurt you. Be happy. I'll pray that you may get a great girl.

20th January 1968

My second marriage is with a drug edict who comes with different girls at home daily.
I am not allowed to speak. He communicate with slaps and kicks, violence is his language.

3rd June 1968

I got a debut role in a Bollywood film. My dream was close.
My Mother in Law hates me.
She hates my dreams.

26th March 1968 (It all ends) 

She was beating me physically.
Yesterday night I was sleeping, Rahul was in my dreams, as usual.
My mother in law ended my life, ended my carrier...
When She..........

(Let’s keep it suspense)

"Bhag Shail Bhag" was my inner voice.
"Run Shail Run find out who is she? That fully cover lady!!"

I never ran such fast earlier; my speed was more than BOLT.
She was just going to step in BRTS,
She was inside and bus was going to leave.
Jumping inside was only the option.
I was panting hard. And I tugged the scarf from her face.
I was in tears. Badly tears.

Her face was something like below.
26th March 1968 (It all ends) 

My mother in law ended my life, ended my carrier
I was mused in thoughts of Rahul, sleeping, she threw acid on my face 
"Acid Attack"

I complained, I took my second divorce; she was jailed, only for some time, Money made her free, Indian Corruption.


Rahul is still unmarried, sitting with my radio and my favorite popcorn and that red wrapped gift.
I want to go and say her that I love him. 
But my face......

Once I said him that I will be always with him.
So here I am, sitting back to him.
Since all this years.

"That's Insane, how could you do this to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" I shouted.
She saw the book and understood the situation maybe my tears clarified more.
She wrapped her face with wrinkled hand.
"You saw my face, now I can’t face him" she said with tears.
"He is waiting since last 43 years mam, you still doubt his love!!??
He loves you not your beauty, you are an actress or an acid attack victim I can bet he don’t care, he won’t stop loving you, I beg" I literally begged and told her the feeling Rahul had for her.

After convincing old lady for hours, she agreed.

But our Romeo, the happiest old man was in hospital

"Gata Raha Mera Dil Tu Hi Mere Manzil" Bus driver had this ring tone in his phone. Which rang.

                                                                    PART 4
                                                              To be continued…

                                                  - S H A I L           R A V A L


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