LIPKISS (a lamentable sexual fantasy of teenagers)

L I P K I S S <3

SR Extremes                                        True Story                                           Non-Fiction

It's said that a writer's character is defined by his stories, I have a request, don't define mine by this first part, I want you to define it, make comments after you complete all 4 parts, most importantly the ending!

(Before starting this lamentable story, I want to confess something. Above I have written that the story is true 'Non-Fiction' right? Actually it is partly true story; everything is true except the end. Don't take this story to seriously and never try the incidents in your life, if anything wrong happens, you will be responsible for your own action.)
Girls are weird! You can’t predict them!
How many of you have ever kissed a girl in a school?
What a nonsensical question right?
"Its 21 century bro!" will be your instant reply, I know.
But believe me guys there are still some tadpoles who had never come out of the well, never felt the smoothness.
My friend Shubh was one of them.

"Shubh, a lazy fatso with uneven curves innocent, ignored, idiot" people said.
But according to me "An honest, generous, kind, a god's kid, you can see honesty and innocence only on his round spongy face and his brown eyes depicted of his soul's honesty! An orphan kid for whom I am sacrificing my lunchbox since 1st standard"

Introducing myself! I am a lucky boy whose parents somehow managed to reproduce a baby with white skin in such hot climate of India. Kid with white and perfect face. Thanks to my mom-dad.

So successfully with my white adorable face I was able to make my first girlfriend 'Class's most beautiful girl' in class 7th.
And you won’t believe me! It took me full 1 year to convince her for a lip kiss.
7th or 8th is the perfect grade where our hormone starts working in a desperate tone! Maybe because of the porns circulated at that time. I don't know how these girls get active, maybe same stuff, maybe not. Who cares, happiness was finally 1 month before the exams she agreed for my desire, burning desire!
That day my first lipkiss and someone's lamentable story started.

Before Final Exam 2012
(grade 8th)
(the shock day)

I never understood why kisses are considered illegal and are banned in school? The only answer I could manage in my entire school life was 'Maybe all Principals are gays and lesbians' Simple.
So I needed security. Shubh was recruited as our security guard, the person I can trust.
"Oouch! don't bite them please" she whispered.
"Sorry baby" I muttered...mused inside the extremes pleasure of her lips. Feelings were soo passionate that I had ever started biting her lips.
Behind the school auditorium, inside props room...
Her face was in my hand, fingers in her silky hair, her body tightened to me...
My lips in her's-in mine...twisted, mingled, sucked...
Gradually my tongue in her's... Hands gripping harder...
Full 30 seconds of endless pleasure. (Heaven)
"Hey!! Only Kiss Mr." she whispered and stopped my hand sliding inside her skirt, doesn't matter how thin she is her thighs will be spongy!  (Expect Athletes)

The best thing about kiss is the taste, I have a different one, same does she but when lips mingle a common taste is evolved, kinda new variety, which we desire to have more, in a never ending process.

Same is the thing with love.

I embraced her body closer, my hands on her waist, her grip firmer, our curves stiff, I slide my hand under her shirt again, her body was warm, soft, silky, and spongy. Hey wait a second there is still a layer of clothes. I gently slide my hand under it, my hands wrapping her stomach, above her navel, sliding upwards. I kissed her hard, so that my naughty intentional hands couldn't get caught sliding to her final curve , even if it does, it would be accepted as a notion, Hollywood notion!
"Lips Mingled, Squeeze Hands"
Ridiculous 3rd fucking layer! I had already suffered two.  I wish it is the last! How can girls wear so much stuff in such hot summer? my hands curved upwards to her back...
Fuck that!!
I finally got the clip!
I had just touched the clip and her intuitive eyes get open a bit. Biting her lips was my reflex.
BINGO! I un-clipped her stuff...
My hands curving to her front, figures uncontrolled, my entire hormonal energy had only two centers, second one my hand!

Shock no 1

"Run! Run! Run for your life" fatso's shouted running "Monitors are coming!"
I gently slided my hand out, both of our lips separated by a salivary string.
"Bloody ******** *************** ******" I honored captains in my mind, couldn't they come after a second!
We both held each other's hand and started running. But in between Shila stopped!
"You unclipped my..?" she squinted
My eyeballs rolling "Maybe.." I muttered
"Maybe!!?" she glared
"Oh Jesus, yes I unclipped it, but right now can we run away please!"
"Next time your hands will be locked!" wow means she was ready for next time !! Positive Thinking.
But that's all pure bullshit, my hands were all around her body and she couldn't even feel them?
These girls often overreact during sex acts even though they need the same!
10 seconds of breathless running bring us to a wall an end!
"We needed to take right instead of left at that turn" fatso said, sweating like a pig, catching his breath.
"Now?" Shila asked, holding her stuff from backside, of course she couldn't clip it in front of Shubh.
"We'll climb and jump" I said panting "Back side is girl's toilet, we can hide in cabinets, if anything goes wrong Shila you being a female can save us" Shubh smirked, I was so sure about his latest brain's impulse.        

Shock no 2                   

"How the hell do you know that back side is girl’s toilet? You have been here ago?" her suspicious glare disappeared Shubh's smirked and pumped a sudden shock in both boys’ hearts.
Shubh appalled, his cornea contracting,
How could I tell her that I used to come here and peep inside catching girl’s talks.
"Rahul told me" a boy with bad character in school, my classmate. He was so bad that...
"Oh Ok leave it... Plan Ok! done." Shila said.
Too bad that you can give only his name when you get into some wrong mess and every one trust you blindly.
I could see Shubh gulping his fear down his throat.
"Come on, Lets climb, then jump!" Shubh again feared!
"Are you both freaking nuts!!? Climb a 6 feet wall! Jump! Then hide!" he pointed 3 time at his circular, spongy stomach.
"Do you think i can do it?" he was about to tears...
I could hear footsteps...
"No, but you have to"
How many of you have ever loaded your shoulder with a 50kg grain bag? Shubh felt me like its triple!

"Take a jump now, my shoulders are on their extremes" I shouted, Shubh standing on my shoulders.
"I am scared"
"Shut up and jump"
"I don't think that I would be able to do it!"
"You fatass jump else I will fuck you of!!!" I was sure to hear crack sound soon.
"I will get hurt! I cant Sorry!"
"Shubh please jump! Else I will become a widow" WTF! widow really, she really over reacts.
"You ***********r jump! I am fainting now" shoulder pain unbearable.                
"Jump you asshole!" Shila wailed "He is fainting"
My one ear went mute, body falling to right.
"Jump" my eyes closing.
Jesus Christ, fatso jumped with a fart, Shila appalled.

Shock no 3

"Oouch!" a girl's voice came from washroom.

We both looked at each other in shock.
I swallowed the gulp down my throat, gathered courage and "What happen?, everything ok?"
No voice came.
Shila pointed me to climb.
I managed to climb... Within seconds we could see monitors through upper gap. We both jumped down.
What I see!!! My eyes see!!! What my senses feel!!!
Another big shock!! This day could be named "the shock day"

Shubh, 48 kg potato way laying on a slim girl, he fall on her!

Wait a second!!! JESUS CHRIST!!! WTF!!!
That girl just tugged her hair behind her ear, I saw her face! She was not at all any ordinary girl.

She was the most beautiful! The most white (like snow)! Most importantly a girl of thirteen with perfect cures of sixteen. The sexiest girl of our school! No no take it this way "The one and only sexiest teenager for whom any boy, any teen, adult even a retired old man could peruse a dirty daydream"
To get a return "hello" from her was tougher than scoring full in math.
And falling on her and getting completely mingled with her curves was maybe one of the most important ambitions of every teenager of our school, even more important than getting A+ in 10th.
And to my sudden surprise fatso was the first to fulfill majority's ambition. I was so proud of him even jealous of him at the same time.

"Sawpna was her name, a beautiful daydream of every teenager."

"Get off me you idiot" Swapna shouted and brought both me and over tickled sperm Shubh out of our dreams.
The way Shubh was looking at Swapna I thought that he was the victim of "Love at first sight"
His eyes were intent on Swapna, his hands locking her's, firm grip, his jaw open, eyebrows stressed, it pictured to me as if time had stopped for Shubh.
But I was wrong!
"Get up you idiot!" I dragged him away from her before she would slap him.
And after moving him away what I see....
Swapna's skirt had gone centimeters away from her knees, her thighs were naked, whiter than her legs... few more centi required to her...
Swapna the only girl who managed to wear her skirt 5cm above her knees. And today her thighs managed my blood below my pants.
The only reason I respected my school owners was because of the rule they made "No slacks under skirts, only skirt" My mind highly involuntary with 200% concentration to her creamy thighs.

Shock no 4

"Shubh!!" A shock wave passed through my body. Shila shouted glaring. Swapna quickly slides her skirt down, glaring at me.
During all this hormonal mess, the hero of the notion was sitting like a blank head, facing wall, speechless. What was wrong with him?

Suddenly I was in weird situation both girl's eyes enlarged, directional to my pant!!
I turned around in humiliation.

"What the hell are you both doing in girl's toilet?" Swapna was really angry.
I got control on my organs. Turned towards them again.
"Long Story... We actually" before I could complete. Someone's footsteps were heard.
"Swapna we all need to hide else we all we be in great trouble" both girls nodded for yes.
Something was really wrong with Shubh he was not even moving, like a stone in a river..

Was he still in shock?
I tugged him and pushed him in a cabinet with Swapna, my worst mistake ever!
"What the..." Swapna didn't appreciate her new heavy guest.
But she accepted my "Please"

My intuitions were correct; footsteps were of school's girl's captain Nivadita, also called lesbian (nickname).
"Get on the seat" Shila whispered. Ya she was correct.
Why these toilet's doors are partly open from bottom in schools.

Shock no 5

There was a thin space, crack, gap between two cabinets; I could see Swapna instructing Shubh to get on the seat.

My eyes and Swapna's eyes, wide open, enlarged, stressed eyebrow, stuck on  Shubh's pant.
Oh god, now I understood his shocked reactions, what was behind his blank face!
And yes I was wrong he was not in the virtue of love at first sight. Maybe it can be called "Love of curves at first touch"

You still can't understand?  Fatso had ejaculated!!

My face was covered with sweat and tension with a dangerous question! 'What would be the frequency of Swapna's shout!'
"What the fuck" she shouted, her own hand covering her mouth in reflex.
"Who is that? Anything wrong?" Nivedita knocked their door.
"It’s Swapna, nothing happened sis"
"Oh Swapna, facing trouble right? It happens, btw it's just the beginning, I prefer you to use Stayfree Secure than any other" I could see four faces turning red due to shy, including me
Physical secrets of opposite gender when are discussed openly, it creates a weird situation.
Nivedita gave a lecture of full 5 minutes on that entire cycle and her last line
"Don't prefer sex during this, I was in trouble once" made me fall upside down.

"What's that?"
"Nothing Captian, my leg just slipped" Shila saved my ass.
"Let me come in, I can help" today I understood the reason behind her nickname (lesbian).
She managed another lecture for Shila on same topic, I think I and Shubh were capable to be doctors and dads by the amount of knowledge she gave on Menstruation. Our biology book had only till female body parts.

Till she continued the lecture, I peeped inside the Shubh's cabinet, there was a video with no audio, Swapna was hiding her smile and was creating artificial anger and I think she was saying Shubh to do something!

Shock no 6

She pointed her fingers on her skirt..
her mute expressions meant 'who the hell will wash marks of your fantasies from my skirt!!'
Shubh nodded for yes.
30 second later
Swapna was not wearing anything except her inner below waist!
30 seconds ago
Swapna asked for Shubh's shirt, she removed her skirt, tied Shubh's shirt on her slim waist, it acted like a mini skirt on her, Shubh was busy washing, I was busy in.... you know what.
Marks were removed, he gave her skirt back to her, but before she could wear Shubh's shirt slides away!
This was something like a dream now; I was able to see THE SWAPNA only in her inner wear!

Shock no.7

"What the fuck!!!" Shila shouted, looking at my pants...
I had ejaculated.

There was an extremely strange thing that only Shubh was able to note,
Swapna had more than 10 big cuts on both her thighs at upper side...

To be continued
(Part 1 of 4)

-Shail Raval


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