True Love 2025 (ending)

True Love of 2025
SR Extremes : Fiction 

For new readers:  This is Part 2 of my fiction story "True Love of 2025". You can read part one on.. True Love of 2025 (part 1) :

Plot : A writer was checking a his mails on a day before Christmas.  He was frustrated by a phone conversation with a publisher at morning who irritated him by speaking in Shakespeare accent, when writer asks his name then the other person on phone says he is "Shakespeare "  


After deleting unusual 'Christmas special' mails writer gets a weird mail which stated...

To the Paperback king of India,
Subject: True love of 2025
Date: 25th December, 2025

A girl from future...2025... writes him a mail and describes...

Writer's situation (as a formality and honor) 
Situation of her country after 10 years
She was from a place in time where India has everything which it begged for earlier...
Even few steps away from becoming super power

{15 Indian rupees equal 1$
Petrol: 30.5 Rupees/Lt
Diesel: 26.7 Rupees/Lt}
she explains such thing which can be only imagined currently

She is still unhappy for a great big reason
Because India lacks one main thing for which it was known for earlier...

L O V E 


Writer immediately dials the call he made at morning 

' Hello Shakespeare! '  writer asks

' Aye! ' someone replied 

P A R T - 2 

"Hello Shakespeare ?" I asked
"Aye?" he replied... my body shivered, really!!!! I was talking to William Shakespeare... The great William Shakespeare.

Cutting the phone was my reflex.

"Rome and Juliet"
"Julius Caesar"
"King Henry" 
"King Lear " 

Next second, 'seconds' my mind was influx with all this masterpieces of him.
Dolly needed help! My philosophical level was un-matured to guide a change! a revolution!

        1:30 AM
then 3:00 AM
then 4:30 AM

Three hour of deep thought process!
Analyzing my reply, I had written to her.
Finding out prows and cons of it.

"Fuck this!" I shouted in frustration, it was loud, loud enough to lighten a tube light of opposite window of my flat.
She waved me asking "Shut up sleep and let me sleep to"
We should not show middle finger in frustration. I did. Put on curtains. In-secured transparent  glass window.

5:30 AM clock accompanied sleepless frustrated stressed and most important abusive Shail, with it's strokes.

"You have to call him! He is a philosopher after all" I said to Shail.
"Ya I know but I am scared" I said to Shail. 
I don't know how my T.V switched on.
"Daar ka agga jiittt ha!" Hartik Roshan said in Mountain Due's add. Instead of understand signals, I was thinkig 'When the hell did they replaced Hartik instead of Salman Khan'

With my shivering hands I picked up the phone..went on my last dial.. called....

"Good morrow" my voice polite.
"Good morrow" he replied

Reading Julius Caesar in 10th would be so useful I hadn't ever imagined.

"thee wont beest able to understandeth, if 't be true i telleth thee about time loop, future mail, computers..."  I knew he wont understand time loop stuff

 "i do beseech you asketh thee for some wise advice?" i asked for advice.
"Aye" he replied.

"ponder mine story as a future story 
 if 't be true t becometh truth then what should beest done" I asked "how to bringeth changeth? " I asked what to do

Shocked, appalled, scared "God's swear I wasn't typing this on my computer"

Dear Dolly,
I am in tears, I am so happy that some one thinks that society we have developed is wrong
I have solutions
'Oh god it was auto typing!'

"Story thee sayeth wast very much sorrofl " he was feeling sorrow just like me!
(on telephone)

Change is must
Revolution leads to evolution

"Changeth is must 
 Revolution leadeth to evolution" his voice strong, my eyes on screen ears on phone
(on telephone)

Being a human we know what is right what is wrong
Being a human we can rule our thoughts, not reverse
Being a human we believe everything is possible
'I was sweating under fan, fast fan'

"People knoweth what is right what is wrong 
Man can rule thoughts, not reverse 
 Each thing is possible we knoweth, we sayeth, we believeth"
his grip sharp and firm, I picked water aside, my throat dried. 
(on telephone)

According to my personal opinion I wont like to live in a place where love is fiction..
Changes has never started as a Majority
Its lonely.. Always will be..
A single thought.. inspires.. loneliness encouraged by majority.. becomes majority.. finally reality..
'My beats... should i use drums'

"According to mine personal bethought I wont like to liveth in a lodging whither love is fiction.. 
 changeth hath nev'r started as a Majority 
 Its dearn.. at each moment wilt beest.. 
 A single bethought.. inspires.. loneliness encouraged by majority.. becometh majority.. finally reality.." 
(on telephone)
I wiped my unstoppable sweat, emptied water glass on my head

Instincts can never be changed.. Maybe Jenny had an innervoice... for sure max had it to...Dolly even you have it... Instincts can never be developed..nor destroyed.. it takes thousands of decades...
Or too many deaf ears...

"Instincts can nev'r beest hath changed.. Maybe knave hadst an innervoice... arrant wench hadst t to... Shail coequal thou has't t... Instincts can nev'r beest hath developed.. nor destroyed.. t doth take thousands of decades... 
 Or too many deaf ears..." he completed, courteously. 
(on telephone)

 A 150 beats per mins, face absorbed in sweat, speechless worried, ready to faint, me.

"Its honor to talk to thee, thank you" I didn't wait for his reply..Cutting phone was more easy than hammering my P.C into pieces.

Mail continue... 

You will get to many proposes further..
 your life is to long, your life is too your, not majority's..
Live it like your..not majority's..
Be lonely..
Be Shail's novel's hero..
Be me..

Let's Make the Majority..

I wish I could get your mail years back.. When I was just a blogger.. I wish I could spread awareness.. I could inspire.. I could not become love a FICTION... I wish I could never get such painful mail ever...

Sent at 5:00 AM,
25th December 2025.

My eyes watered, not is was not of sadness..
Fear brought tear
Put Off curtain
Felt the fresh air
Some time in life there are only you and your deep mysterious silence
Opened up the window
She was not at the window
I called her:

"Can I come at your place?" I asked
"Its 5:00 bro!" she said.
"Ok bye"
"Hey you can come"

She served me a glass of water, and a coffee

"Have you decided your children's name?" I asked.
"You wana make me pregnant?" she was flirting.

"That's chep... " I glowered
"Sorry bro!, btw me and my bf had talks about it"
"What's that?"

"Jenny or Max"
she answered.

"You?" she asked

12:03 AM
My Apartment
25th December 2014

Password: **********

Mail 1

Date: 25th December, 2025

"Thanks for your answer dad...
Feeling proud to be your daughter..
Sorry for fake mail..
Was testing you..
Just like mom.."

- Dolly

"Are you sure, That you don't believe in time loops"

- Shail Raval

(1876 - 2005)


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